Emanuel Casiano Diaz
  1. Lattice Path-Integral Monte Carlo for Bosonic Systems at Zero Temperature
  2. Monte Carlo Simulation of the Ising Model
  3. Machine Learning the Ising Model with Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs)
  4. Symmetry-Encoding Convolutional RBM for the Ising Model
  5. Homeworks for Computational Physics
  6. Homeworks for Principles of Complex Systems
  7. Wang-Landau Simulation of the Ising Model
  8. Exact Diagonalization of the Hypercubic Bose-Hubbard Model
  9. Build Hamiltonian of Bose-Hubbard and t-V Model
  10. Variational Monte Carlo Simulation of the Bose-Hubbard Model
  11. Implementation of Lanczos Algorithm to Find Eigenvalues and Eigenvector of a Matrix
  12. Truncated Exponential Sampling to Accelerate Monte Carlo Simulations